What travelling can do for you (and good books to read along the way)
We've been on the road for about 2 months now so I thought I'd stop and reflect on what made us start travelling in the first place. Being on the open road (Marble Mountains, Da Nang) When you stop and think about it travelling is a bit odd – you leave behind family, stuff you’ve worked for and the comfort of your home to go to an unfamiliar place where you don’t understand the language and you deliberate over every piece of food you put in your mouth. But believe it or not travelling isn’t a revolutionary thing – if no one did it then most of the world wouldn’t know each other, and worst of all we’d probably have really bad coffee. For me I see it as a means of educating and enriching myself in my own way. Learning that's not taught in some classroom, or read on the news, but mine. Why we decided to travel For us (my partner and I) deciding to travel wasn't based on one reason as such, it was more of a collection of things and a shared understanding...