
Showing posts from 2019

How to find the right camper van in NZ – and our first trip!

After months of searching we finally found our camper van that will take us around New Zealand for the next 4 months (September till December 2019). Meet Susanna Ford About our new van Susanna is a Ford Econovan, 1996, manual and came with: solar panels (and a spare panel) a power inverter – runs from the van's battery and turns the Directs Current (DC) power into standard, Alternating Current (AC) so you can charge devices electric sink surround sound speakers electric fans several USB ports a portable loo a bed (with plenty of storage underneath) 50L Brass Monkey fridge . Inside Susanna Ford What it means to be self-contained Susanna is also self-contained which means we get to camp pretty much anywhere in NZ (that's marked as a self-contained campsite). To be self-contained you need certain things, such as a portable loo and a drainage system so you're not spreading your waste all over the place – nice. Check out how to get a certi...

Getting lost in Egmont National Park and Taranaki, New Zealand

We've been in Wellington nearly 3 months now and wanted to seek some adventure in our new little Nissan – so we looked at the map for the nearest volcano and out popped Mount Taranaki. In the thick of it in Egmont National Park Mount Taranaki, also known as Mount Egmont, is in the region of Taranaki (go figure). Taranaki is slap bang in the middle of Auckland and Wellington on the west coast. The volcano itself is near the city of New Plymouth, which we wanted to check out too as we'd heard that it's very artsy and trendy. The journey from Wellington It's a 4 and half hour drive (well, that's what Google told us) from Welly to Egmont Village – where we were staying for 2 nights. With the car all packed up, Fleetwood Mac on full whack, and a Peoples' coffee in tow – we set off on State Highway 1 out of Wellington. The drive isn't so bad once you leave inner and outer Wellington, but coming from someone whose driven the horrors of motorways in the ...

How much we spent travelling around Southeast Asia for 3 and half months

It's one of the first things you Google when planning a big trip: "How much money do I need?" I can only tell you from my recent experience of how much my partner and I spent on accommodation, food, drink (mainly coffee and beer), and transport in Southeast Asia. How much you'll need really depends on a number of things: how long you want to stay in places how many places you want to travel to how you get around, for example cheap buses vs planes if you like drinking lots of beer and coffee day trips and excursions. Rule one: don't take life too seriously - it's only money Our itinerary  Over the 3 and half months we went to: Thailand - 1 month Laos - 1 week Vietnam - 1 month Thai islands - 3 weeks Malaysia - 2 weeks Singapore - 4 days In total we spent just over £5,000. Now let's break down the costs. Accommodation  Overall we spent : £1,665 Thailand : £532 - average £22 per night (one of these nights includes a st...